Our Worship Services are held each Sunday starting at 11:00 AM.
A time for the children is included in each service, and nursery care is available for children age 5 and under during each service.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated generally on the first Sunday of each month, and the Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated as part of the worship service for both children and adults at times convenient to the family. Special Services including the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper are held on Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve.
Study and Fellowship
Our Sunday School meets from 9:45 AM until 10:30 AM each Sunday morning. There are classes for all age groups, including nursery care. Coffee and juice are available at 9:30 AM in the fellowship hall every Sunday. Fellowship breakfasts, beginning at 9:00 AM, are held at various times during the year.