The First Presbyterian Church Choir is dedicated to the preparation and performance of appropriate Christian choral music to enhance and enrich the services of worship scheduled throughout the liturgical year.
Our choir has a membership of 20 singers, of whom 10 to 12 are usually present for each service. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. Join us for rehearsals at 4:30 PM on Wednesdays and 10:00 AM on Sundays. Contact the Director, Kenneth T. Kelley or any Choir Member for more information.


The handbell choir of First Presbyterian was organized in 2004 after the purchase of an initial two-octave set of handbells. The third octave was added soon afterwards.


A group of 8 active ringers meets on Wednesday evenings at 5:45 PM to practice handbell selections in preparation for ringing once a month during the worship service. More handbell ringers and substitutes are always needed. Anyone interested in giving “ringing” a try should contact a member of the JuBELLees.


Our Austin Organ

Small but mighty, the First Presbyterian Church organ was built by the Austin Organ Company as their Opus 1885 in 1935. It was a typical product of its time featuring an enormous Open Diapason 8′ of ~fog-horn~ scale and no upper work save for a very small Flute d’Amour 4′ that, while beautiful, was softer than any of the 8′ stops. Three of the instrument’s five ranks were duplexed on both manuals.


In 1981 thanks to a generous gift from her family in memory of Shelley Symonds McGehee the 8′ Open Diapason and 4′ Flute were replaced with new ranks voiced by Richard J. Piper of Austin Organs, Inc. In 1989 the swell shade engine was rebuilt and in 1996 the organ generator was replaced by a solid state rectifier. As a testament to the quality of Austin’s work, most of the instrument is as it was installed in 1935 and works fairly well. The current specification is a very rich and warm sound, amazing for an instrument of only five ranks.




Bourdon 16′
Principal 8′
Hohlflute 8′
Dulciana 8′
Spitz Principal 4′


Bourdon 16′
Clarabella 8′
Dolce 8′
Spitz Principal 4′
Oboe Gamba 8′


Bourdon 16′
Swell to Pedal 8′
Swell to Pedal 4′

Great to Pedal 8′


Qui bene cantat bis orat”

“One who sings well prays twice”

St. Augustine