What We Believe

Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve.

God comes to us in free and undeserved favor in the person of Jesus Christ who lived, died, and rose for us that we might belong to God and serve Christ in the world. Following Jesus, Presbyterians are engaged in the world and in seeking thoughtful solutions to the challenges of our time.

Presbyterians affirm that God comes to us with grace and love in the person of Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose for us so that we might have eternal and abundant life in him. As Christ’s disciples, called to ministry in his name, we seek to continue his mission of teaching the truth, feeding the hungry, healing the broken, and welcoming strangers. God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, giving us the energy, intelligence, imagination, and love to be Christ’s faithful disciples in the world.

On a local level, our church is organized by committees to aid in these ministries:


Chair:  Beth Westmoreland

Members:  John W Milton, Larry Spivey

Administers the finances of our church, our insurance program, coordinates the work of the Endowment Committee and Stewardship program, and supervises the work of our Church Administrator, Connie Lea Butts, and our pastor.

Christian Education

Chair:  Jeremy Mutz, Leslie

Members:  Jim Gibbs, Mel Lundgren, Yvonne Melzer, Ashley Rackley, Mary Lu Andreu, Aggie Schack, Peggy Peacock

Coordinates our Christian Education programs for all ages, including Sunday School, Youth Groups, Wild Wonderful Wednesday, Lenten Luncheons, Vacation Bible School, Montreat, Dogwood Acres, youth and children’s music programs, special Bible and other studies, prayer and reflection times for adultsA, as well as supervising our Nursery Assistants: Tina Bigale Wilson and Carlee Wilson.

Congregational Care

Chair:  Aggie Schack

Members:  Alma Milton, Yvonne Melzer, Donna Moore, Andrew and Gina Tinsley, Muriel Turner, Jan Howell, Mary Ann Gibbs

Assists the Pastor with visitations and contacts with members who are: Sick, Facing an immediate crisis, Have had a death in the family, Are shut-in or inactive, Are experiencing any circumstance requiring a personal visit.

Evangelism and Fellowship

Chair:  Mel Lundgren

Members:  Lauren Lyons, Geriann Milton, Jennifer Stafford, Edward Syfrett, Amanda Mutz, 

Coordinates our fellowship activities including covered dish suppers, breakfasts, church picnics, spring carnival, fall festival, community trunk or treat and other special events, as well as helping us to reach out in concern to one another, and to those who worship with us, and seeking to make our church known in our community through our website and in other ways.

Mission and Service

Chair:  Betty pettis

Members:  Sharon Bannerman, Mary Ann Gibbs, Linda Koenig, Kathy Milton, Susie Stevens, Gina Tinsley, Yvonne Melzer

Encourages our concern for the needy in our own community and throughout the world including the work of our Food Pantry, support of the programs of our General Assembly, Synod and Presbytery, Thornwell Home for Children, Presbytery’s Camp at Dogwood Acres and other local community programs, such as Habitat for Humanity and the Salvation Army, and organizes all of our special offerings.

Property and Operations

Chair:  Bill Stevens, Lou Roberts

Members:  Ernie Mc Neill, Scott Yant, Mary Lu Andreu, John W. Milton,

Matt Milton, Sam Andreu, Xylpha Schwehm, Barry Stafford

Supervises the work of our custodian and the maintenance, good repair and appearance of all of our church buildings, including the manse.

Worship and Music

Chair:  Donna Moore

Members:  Macky Gortemoller, Joy Hinton, Kenneth Kelly, Tom Stadsklev, 

Supervises the work of our church musicians, Stanley Littleton and Kenneth Kelly, and our handbell program, as well as planning for our regular and special worship services, including the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, as well as funerals and weddings at the church.


Chair: John Milton V

Members: Beth Westmoreland, Chuck Morgan, Guy Green, LuAnne Law,

Amy Milton, John W. Milton, Jack Peacock, Larry Spivey

This special committee oversees our 1835 Endowment Fund, encourages other Endowment Funds, and support of the church through wills, bequests and other special gifts.   If you have any questions about a committee’s work, please contact the respective chairperson through the church office.

Church Session

Session 2022

Raymond Guterman, Moderator
Jan Howell, Clerk of Session
John W. Milton, Treasurer
Beth Westmoreland, Clerk of Membership

Class of 2022


Amanda Hinson
LuAnne Law
Bryan Milton
Matt Milton

Class of 2023

Mel McLure Lundgren
Donna Moore
Aggie Schack
Bill Stevens

Class of 2024

Betty Pettis
Lou Roberts
Beth Westmoreland
Scott Yant
Presbyterian Church (USA)
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